MYTH: Only same sex loving persons contract HIV. HIV is a gay disease.
FACT: Anyone can get HIV, whether it be heterosexual couples or same sex loving partners.
MYTH: You can get HIV by being around someone who has the virus.
FACT: HIV is only transmitted through blood, breastmilk, vaginal fluids and semen.

MYTH: Having HIV is a death sentence.
FACT: A person with HIV can live with it and have a healthy and fulfilling life. You must, however, take your medication as advised.
Some additional myths about HIV that are never true:
- You can tell if a person has HIV infection by looking at him or her.
- A person can get HIV infection from deep kissing or tongue kissing.
- HIV can be transmitted through shaking hands and sharing eating and cooking utensils.
- You can get HIV infection from a mosquito if it has bitten an HIV-positive person.
- Having sex with a virgin can get rid of HIV.
- A woman who is HIV-infected should not get pregnant .
- HIV is punishment for immoral behaviour.
For even more Myths and Misconceptions surrounding HIV, check out the video below: